Daily visual inspection, not multitasking and regular vehicles are ways to avoid a visit to a bumper repair Ashfield shop.

If you have been in need of bumper repair Ashfield, then you must have been involved in a car accident or some form of vehicle damage. In some instances, older cars might require rust repairs Ashfield for restoration to their original states. However, to ensure you are not involved in automotive accidents, there are several tips that can be followed.

  • Daily visual inspection of the Car – a vehicle driven can undergo changes overnight even if they were not present the last time the vehicle was parked. This is why it is vital to check out different parts of the car to avoid accidents on the road; tires, indicators, horn, lights and bottom of the car. Any oil leaks will require immediate smash and bumper repair Ashfield shop visit. A vehicle that has not been driven for long must be checked for any damages that might require rust repairs Ashfield.
  • Be in the Correct Driving Position -how you are sited on the car seat will highly determine the quality of your driving. Proper placement of your seat before the start of a journey is important in ensuring safety. The seat must be adjusted to ensure you are comfortable and you are able to see the rear part of the car. Adjusting rear view mirrors and wing mirrors will do the trick.


  • Regular Checks – every car requires regular maintenance from smash and rust repairs Ashfield specialists. Such checks could be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly; it all depends on how much a vehicle is driven per day. These checks include brake fluid, engine oil, coolant, and power steering fluid. These fluids are necessary especially when travelling for long distances. Such regular checks will also ensure that your car is running at the most optimal level at all times.
  • Do not Multitask – most accidents whether minor or major nowadays are caused by people who are multi-tasking while driving. Avoiding texting, calling or even looking for that thing in your bag could save you and your car some amount of money. Do all you need to do at the start of a journey or pull over so as to give full focus to the road while driving. Needless to say avoid driving while under the influence of alcohol or any other drug that may interfere with your senses. Driving long distances for long hours is also discouraged as fatigue can interfere with your senses.

These few tips can be the difference between a serious accident and no accident at all. As a driver, make sure you run through this check-list so as to avoid any accidents and that visit to the a smash repair shop.

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